As an Immaculate Associate


A Sense of personal call from God and the desire to respond to it.
• Love for the poor and a readiness to work with them.
• Imbued with human and Gospel values, possess psychological maturity according to their age and have a capacity for dedication.
• Common sense, sincerity and openness.
• Aptitude for prayer, forgiveness, capacity for hard work and to endure hardships generously and joyfully.
• Readiness to leave one’s own region and country to answer the demands of universal mission.
• Minimum academic qualification – Higher secondary or studies equivalent to that.
• For Dupuis region Form 4 c grade in Kenya, division II for Tanzania & Uganda
• Good health.
• Families with good Christian and moral background.
• Single mother child with good catholic and moral (only For Dupuis region).


• Any Catholic girl with the right intention and motivation and the requisite qualities and without canonical impediments may be accepted in the Congregation after suitable preparation (cf. CIC 597 §1).
• The discernment of vocation and the admission of the candidate to the successive stages of formation require prudence, prayer, firmness, open and sincere dialogue and above all Christian charity.
• Superiors are to exercise a vigilant care to admit only those girls who, besides being of required age, are healthy, have suitable character, sufficient quality to embrace the life which is proper to our Congregation (cf. CIC 642; I TU 4:19).

Necessary Certificates.

  1. Baptism and Confirmation certificates.
  2. Conduct and Character certificate from the Parish priest and others who may know the candidates well.
  3. Certificate of physical fitness from medical centre approved by the Congregation
  4. Educational Certificate.
  5. Parent’s Marriage Certificate.

Application Form